I received the MicroJig Gripper GR-100 push block for Christmas. It’s a game-changer for my woodworking. The tool’s 3D design adjusts to any wood size. It also has a handle for a strong grip.
I hesitated to buy this expensive tool myself. But a friend gifted it to me, knowing my love for woodworking. The $60 price seemed high, but the gift was a pleasant surprise.
When I first opened it, I worried about the 3D design. Would it be too complex? But it was sturdy and easy to use. The manual helped me set it up quickly.
I tested it on walnut and maple for a cutting board project. The cuts were smooth and precise. The push block was stable and safe. It protected my hands from the saw blade.
This push block is now a key part of my tools. It’s worth the price and I recommend it to others. I’m excited to use it for more projects.