I recently purchased a Creality Falcon 2 12w laser so I could engrave and personalize some of my wood projects moving forward. I had a CO2 laser years ago and never really had much luck with it since the mirrors were hard to align and calibrate and the CO2 had depleted from the unit. Instead of putting money into the CO2 I decided to try the Creality which is a diode-styled laser that claimed easy setup and great results. I own and use Creality’s 3d print CR-10S and have had a lot of good experience with it so I was hopeful for this engraver. I was not disappointed! This unit arrived practically fully assembled with minimal start-up time. The only frustrating part (which was entirely on my end) was that I had not used my laptop in ages and it took so long to start up. The test cut that came on the micro card cut beautifully and I was even able to load an online cut file which cut in only two passes. I am very excited to learn more about this software and to incorporate some laser engraving into my upcoming projects. The 12w has more than enough power for what I will need and if I decided I could upgrade this unit to the 40w since the framework is the same on each unit.

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