Do you or someone you love have a Dodge Ram 1500 3rd generation? Do they have a broken overhead console lamp cover? The clips are known to break easily. Instead of buying a full new console for hundreds of dollars or going to the junkyard to scavenge parts use this simple bracket to repair the console yourself. In as little as an afternoon and with simple tools you can remove the console install this clip and have a clean repair! These clips are a repair so you will need to remove the existing clips with a razor blade to get these to friction fit in place. I did this by removing the console to make it easier to work on. If you have more questions let me know.
Last updated on June 13, 2024
I have been doing woodworking since I was in high school (a while) and I also enjoy making 3D projects and general projects so the videos I post will be basically what projects I have going on and how I go about getting them done.